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发布时间:2022-12-29 浏览次数:

Egger Eurodekor Storage and Transport guidelines

Material description

装饰性三聚氰胺饰面木质材料。支撑板配置可供选择的基材为爱格刨花板 Eurospan、爱格中密度板、爱格超轻板或爱格定向刨花板夹芯板。
Decorative, melamine faced wood-based material. Support panel configuration with a choice of Egger Eurospan chipboards, Egger MDF, Egger Eurolight lightweight board or Egger OSB Combiline.

满足欧洲标准 EN 14322 的三聚氰胺双饰面板
Melamine faced boards according to EN 14322

爱格三聚氰胺双饰面板 Eurodekor 适合于室内使用,符合欧洲标准 EN 14322。确切的应用区域和有害物质释放等级取决于所使用的支撑板类型。
The melamine faced boards Egger Eurodekor are suitable for use indoors and comply with EN 14322. The exact area of application as well as hazard classes depends on the support panel used.

以下信息同样适用于所有类型的爱格三聚氰胺双饰面板 Eurodekor。针对板的正确应用以达到满意的使用效果,遵守这一信息是十分必要的。
The information that follows applies equally to all types of Eurodekor boards. Observing this information is essential for the proper application of the boards and in order to achieve satisfactory results.


Horizontal storage/stacking

▪ 堆叠应在平坦且具有承重能力的地面上进行
Stacking should take place on load-bearing and flatground.

▪ 托梁应具有统一的厚度且它们的长度应于堆叠的板的宽度相对应
Joists should have a uniform thickness and their length should correspond to the width of the board stack.

▪ 基础托梁之间的距离取决于板的厚度:
The distance between the foundation joists depends on the thickness of the boards.


o 板厚≥ 15 mm: 相邻托梁之间的距离至少 800mm。无论如何,对于半幅面板(长度=2800mm),至少需要4 根托梁
 Board thickness ≥ 15 mm: The distance must be of at least 800 mm. In any case, at least 4 joists should be used for half-format boards (l=2800mm).

o 板厚< 15 mm: 相邻托梁之间的距离应小于 800 mm。准则是“距离=50*板厚(m)”
 Board thickness < 15 mm: The distance should be smaller than 800mm. The rule of thumb is "Distance = 50 * board thickness(m)"

▪ 为了保护双饰面板表面,两块相接触的双饰面板的花色纹理面必须总是相互面对且/或者必须使用盖板( 图1 )
In order to protect the board surface, the decor sides of two boards must always face each other, and/or cover boards must be used (Image:1).

▪ 如果后期要用钢带或塑料带固定板堆,请确保有足够的边缘保护
Ensure sufficient edge protections if board stacks are to be fastened subsequently with steel or plastic bands.

This can be achieved with the help of special paperboard or by using protection boards

▪ 在数个堆叠的情况下,托梁必须放置在彼此下方的垂直线上( 图 2 )
In the case of several stacks stored on top of each other, the joists must be placed in a vertical line underneath each other (Image: 2).

▪ 必须避免在相同样式的堆叠中有突出的板材( 图 2 )
Protruding boards in same-format stacks must be avoided (Image:2)

Vertical storage

▪ 垂直存储只适用于极少数的爱格双饰面板 Eurodekor,水平储存总是优于垂直储存
Vertical storage should only take place with a very small number of Egger Eurodekor boards, horizontal storage should always be preferred to the verticalone.

▪ 在垂直储存的情况下,爱格双饰面板 Eurodekor 的安全紧固尤为重要
Safe fastening of Egger Eurodekor boards is particularly important in the case of vertical storage.

▪ 可以通过封闭的储存位置、堆栈或货架实现足够的紧固
Sufficient fastening can be achieved with closed storage locations, stacks, or shelves.

▪ 储存面宽度不能超过 500mm
The storage surface should not exceed a width of500mm.

▪ 如果使用开放式的储存位置,接触面应有一个最小为 10° 的斜坡( 图 3 )
If open storage locations are used, the contact surface should have a minimum slope of approximately 10° (Image: 3).

▪ 此外,仅当具有相同规格的爱格双饰面板 Eurodekor 才能被储存在开放式的储存位置上
In addition, only same-format Egger Eurodekor boards should be stored in open storage locations.


▪ 在运输过程中应避免湿气的影响(如. 不直接暴露于大气中,使用保护膜或密封的卡车防水布)
Avoid negative humidity impact during transport (e.g., no direct weather exposure, by using cover film or a closed truck tarpaulin).

▪ 在运输过程中,应使用适当的紧固系统 (束紧带、捆绑带等) 防止负载滑动和掉落
During transport, the load should be secured against slipping and falling by using suitable fastening systems (tension belts, tensioning straps, etc.).

▪ 应使用防滑垫来防止负载滑落
Anti-slip mats should be used in order to prevent the load from slipping.

▪ 当大板采用人工来运输时,应侧着抬起板,这样可避免严重的弯曲。推荐使用板材起重机。另外,搬运过程中应佩戴保护手套并穿安全鞋来避免发生意外受伤
When large boards are transported manually, they should be carried edgewise, in order to avoid significant bowing. Using board carriers is recommended. In addition, protection gloves and safety shoes should be used in order to prevent injury.

▪ 避免推拉板或者仅可以在一些特殊纹理的板材表面进行此操作
Pushing should be avoided or it should only take place on special textile surfaces.

▪ 板材应该被抬起来,必须避免将装饰花色及纹理的一面相互推动或相互拉动( 图 4 )
The boards should be lifted so shifting the decorative sides against each other or pulling them across each other must be avoided (Image 4).



▪ 由木质材料制成的爱格三聚氰胺饰面双饰面板 Eurodekor 应在气候条件稳定 (温度 T≥10°C,相对空气湿度大约 50-60%) 的密闭储存/车间的空间内储存和加工
Egger Eurodekor melamine faced boards made of wood-based material should be stored and processed in a closed storage/workshop space with stable climate (T≥10°C at approx. 50-60% relative air humidity).

▪ 储存和加工条件应与后期使用的气候环境条件相适应
Storage and processing conditions should correspond to the climate of later use.

▪ 为了保证最佳的平面储存,必须避免在运输、储存和加工过程中对产品产生以下负面影响:
In order to ensure optimal flat storage, it is necessary to avoid the following negative impact on the product during transport, storage, and processing:

▪ 储存在加热设备或其他热源附近
Storage in the immediate proximity of heating devices or other sources of heat

▪ 直接暴露于热源和日光下(户外 UV 灯)
Direct exposure to heat and sunlight (outdoor UVlight)

▪ 空气湿度增加不均匀的空调系统
Unequal air-conditioning with increased air humidity.

▪ 个别的板材,以及堆叠的顶部和底部的板材,对不断变化的环境影响 (气候) 的反应程度比堆叠在内部的板材更快
Individual boards, as well as the stack's top and bottom boards react faster to changing environmental influences (climate) than boards inside the stacks.

▪ 安装之前,爱格双饰面板 Eurodekor 应在后续使用条件下的相应房间中进行足够时间的调节
Prior to installation, Egger Eurodekor boards should be conditioned for an adequate period of time in the respective rooms under the subsequent conditions of use.

Provisional note:
This technical data sheet has been carefully drawn up to the best of our knowledge. It is intended for information only and does not constitute a guarantee in terms of product properties or its suitability for specific applications. It is based on practical experiences, our own tests and correspond to our present state of knowledge. We accept no liability for any mistakes, errors in standards, or printing errors. In addition, technical modifications may resul t from the continuous development of Egger Eurodekor, as well as from changes to standards and public law documents. Therefore, the content of these processing instructions cannot serve as instructions for use nor as a legally binding basis.

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